Soal Bahasa Inggris Online

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To have something bad b. To give false alarm * c. To get hurt by someone d.

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To be the question a. To take for granted * b. To refer to c.

2 A Seperti pada penjelasan saya sebelumnya, gunakan fift bukannya five. 3 C Lima ratusnya tetap menggunakan five walau angka lima menjadi induk karena >100. Tapi kalau lima puluhnya, angka lima induk masih harus menggunakan fift, sedangkan angka lima anaknya tentu menggunakan five. 4 B Saya kira sudah jelas, pahami penjelasan saya dari soal sebelumnya. 5 C Masalah forty atau fourty, aturannya mirip seperti angka 5 (kecuali untuk angka 14 tetep fourteen.).

After graduating, Dea would have founded an English course. The scientist has mixed the formula. (ubah ke simple present tense) • a. The scientist mixes the formula. The scientist mix the formula. They have been in the class. (ubah ke simple past tense) • a.

Nine hundred and fourty eight • C. Nine hundred and forty eight 6) 1.227 =. A thousand two hundred and twenty seven • B. One thousand and two hundred twenty seven 7) 207.386 =.

Kumpulan Soal Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 1 Terbaru 2015. Baik sahabat dan adik – adik SBI yang super, kali ini admin akan memberikan contoh soal bahasa inggris sd kelas 1.

Push The following text is for questions number 8 to 17. How to Install CD-ROM • Turn off your computer and unplug power cord from power outlet.

The ant was safe because of the dove. From the story, we can conclude that both the ant and the dove are a good example for human beings because a. The bird could fly over the lake. The ant could land on the ground. The ant could bite the hunter’s foot. The hunter couldn’t shoot the dove.

The main idea of paragraph 2 is a. An ant saved the dove’s life. The dove tried to avoid the hunter.

The hunter was very when the ant bit his foot. Disappointed 3. Which one of the following sentences INCORRECT or IRRELEVANT with the text above? The man hunted some animal that he met in the forest. The hunter saw a dove on the branch of a tree. The man didn’t shoot the dove because of a policeman. The dove helped the ant that on the surface of the water.

Break – gone – make c. Break – go – make d. Broke – went – make e.

It is necessary that the Department of Military the 20th annual State Veterans Homes Week. Celebrated B.

When did archeologists become aware of the possible value of the contents of? During the Ice Age b. Thousands and thousands of years ago c. Early in the twentieth century d. Within the past decade Ans: c 29.?? Manic depression is another psychiatric illness that mainly effects the mood. A patient suffering from this disease will alternate between periods of manic excitement and extreme depression with or without relatively normal periods in between.

Anita – is – mother = Mr. Anita is my mother b.

Motherboard d. Computer • “Carefully slide the drive into the empty bay and mount it.” The word ‘bay’ in the sentence is similar in meaning to. Compartment • Plug your computer back to power outlet and then turn the power on. The word ‘outlet’ in the sentence is similar in meaning to.

10 B Lihat dengan cermat, cukup jelas ya? 11 B Cukup jelas. 12 C Cukup jelas. 13 B Cukup jelas. 14 A 12th artinya 'ke duabelas', penulisan yang besar adalah twelfth, pilihan B dan C tidak tau itu apa:D 15 C Kalau angka terakhir adalah 1 maka selalu menggunakan simbol st (kecuali 11), itu berarti first. 16 C Kecuali 12, yang berakhiran dengan angka 2 selalu menggunakan simbol nd yang berarti second (second artinya dua/kedua.) 17 B Ketika angka bilangan (fraction) maka angka yang menjadi penyebut menggunakan angka ordinal number, sedangkan angka pembilangnya menggunakan cardinal number.

Lihat juga dan penggunaannya serta kalimat reflexive pronoun didalam bahasa Inggris. Bagi kamu yang bingung mengenai pelajaran bahasa Inggris, admin membuka ruang untuk belajar secara online lewat kontak pada tombol kanan bawah atau lewat whatsapp. Belajar online ini bersifat terbuka bagi siapa saja dan tidak ada biaya belajar online karena admin hanya ingin berbagi ilmu untuk belajar grammar bahasa Inggris khususnya bagi adik-adik yang duduk di sekolah dasar atau menengah. Semoga setiap pelajaran dan soal-soal latihan bahasa Inggris diwebsite ini bermanfaat buat kamu.

What does the man do to the bird because the bird cannot say the name of a place. The man ate the bird.

Their mother is taking (they). To the market. Everyone finished the test except (I) 4. All of (they)come late. My sister and (I)are arriving on the early train. (We) children were spoiled by our parents. Between (you).and (I)., she’s not very happy in her new home.

R – e – h – a – t – f the correct word is. Y – e – n – o – m – k the correct word is. Ini adalah sapi the english sentences is. This is cow b. This is dog c. This is camel 6.

Elephant = gajah b. Bear = Beruang c.

This is number twenty seven 20. Twenty eight 21. Elder brother 23. Sinta adalah adik perempuanku 25. Ayu is my aunt B. This is my book 4.

A fourth 19) 1/6 =. One sixth 20) 3 ¾ =. Three and three fourth • B. Third and three fourth • C. Three and third fourth Jawaban dan Pembahasan No Jawaban Penjelasan 1 A Angka belasan selalu diakhiri 'teen' kecuali angka 11 dan 12. Angka lima selalu menggunakan fift jika menjadi induk angka (jika 1-100), kalau jadi anak maka tetap menggunakan five (Ini juga terjadi pada beberapa angka seperti angka 2, 3, 4, walau tidak sama persis).

Exercise 1: Thinking about meaning (Latihan 1: Berpikir tentang arti) Complete each sentence, 1 – 6, with a suitable ending a) – n). There are more endings than you need. Example: She used to play b) 1. I’d watch TV for hours ___ 2.

Latihan Soal Number – Manual 1) 15 =. Fiveteen • C. Fivety 2) 50 =. Fivety 3) 555 =. Fift hundred fivety five • B. Fift hundred fifty five • C. Five hundred fifty five • D.

A TV set has been bought by Faiz last week. A: What do you think of this hotel service? B:(expressions of complaint) a. Thank you for the best service. I’m happy with this hotel service.

Spelled the little boy 20. The family with the neighbor since the tragedy. Had rarely engaging B.

To get back to original place 4. To catch a tartar a. To meet with unpleasant people b. To catch a dangerous person * c.

Tapi kalau lima puluhnya, angka lima induk masih harus menggunakan fift, sedangkan angka lima anaknya tentu menggunakan five. 4 B Saya kira sudah jelas, pahami penjelasan saya dari soal sebelumnya. 5 C Masalah forty atau fourty, aturannya mirip seperti angka 5 (kecuali untuk angka 14 tetep fourteen.). Untuk penggunaan and, letakkan setelah ratusan terakhir, tidak wajib sih tapi lebih baik. 6 A 1 bisa diganti dengan 'a', ini lebih baik daripada menggunakan one, walau menggunakan one juga tidak salah. Pilihan B jadi salah karena peletakan kata and yang salah, seharusnya setelah ratusan terakhir, bukan sebelumnya.

The frog prince 14. What type of text is used by the writer? Argumentative C. Descriptive D. Hortatory exposition 15. The communicative purpose of this text is A. To describe a young princess with a golden ball B.

The picture above is. We walk using. Kita punya dua tangan the english sentences is. We have two hand b. We have two leg c. We have two ear 18. Head in indonesian language is.

To take for granted * b. To refer to c. To be discussed d. To raise the objections 2. To pick holes a. To find a reason b.

They slept during SHOLAH. They Sholah before taking the holy water (WUDLU). Muadhdhin disturbed them. They Sholah before the right time. What is the text above mainly tell us about? Mu’adhdhin who called of prayers.

Has rarely engaged. Joe a terrible role model for his younger brother all day yesterday. Was being 22.

He donated his eyes to her. Hewalked away and wrote a letter to her. Who donated a pair of eyes to the blind girl? Herloving boy friend.

Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris tentang Penggunaan Used to dan Would – Bahasa Inggris memiliki berbagai macam jenis ungkapan yang menggunakan jenis kata kerja atau frasa kata kerja tertentu, contohnya seperti penggunaan frasa kata kerja “used to” dan kata kerja “would”. Pada umumnya, kedua kata kerja ini digunakan untuk mengungkapkan kejadian di waktu lampau. Agar lebih memahami tentang penggunaannya, berikut adalah soal latihan bahasa Inggris tentang penguunaan used to dan would. Latihan Bahasa Inggris tentang Penggunaan Used to dan Would A.

She (6) ____________ her sisters and friends with their homework – she was very good at explaining things. Lizzie (7) ____________ for a chemistry set for her tenth birthday. We were all suprised but when she got used to it she never stopped experiments. Often, I remember, the whole house (8) of strange chemicals! Demikianlah soal latihan bahasa Inggris tentang penguunaan used to dan would. Semoga soal latihan tersebut dapat bermanfaat bagi teman – teman. Terima kasih.

H) so I felt tired. I) in London, but we moved to Manchester last year. J) but I never watch it now. K) in the 2017 tennis final. L) for long walks in the countryside. M) a cat, but it died last year. N) lonely because I live alone and my neighbours aren’t very friendly.

7 A Jika angka sudah komplik begini, kita selesaikan dulu angka sedikit demi sedikit, pertama selesaikan angka 207 dulu, karena dibelakangnya ada tiga digit angka berarti ribuan, tambahin thousand. Kemudian setelah itu, baru kita selesaikan angka selanjutnya yaitu 386. 8 B Ingat penjelasan saya sebeumnya, kita selesaikan sedikit demi sedikit, yang pertama jelas sembilan ratus maka nine hundred, karena dibelakangnya ada 3 digit maka tambahkan thousand.

Dibelakangnya ternyata angka nol, jadi tak perlu dituliskan. 9 C Kita selesaikan tujuhnya dulu, karena dibellakang ada 6 digit yang berarti jutaan maka ditambahkan million, maka menjadi seven million, kemudian selanjutnya seperti yang sudah saya jelaskan.

Ini adalah kakakku c. Ini adalah ayahku 21. My mother is teacher the indonesian language is. Ibuku adalah guru b. Nenekku adalah guru c. Kakakku adalah guru 22.

To overcome someone’s obstacle c. To desert someone in his difficulties * d. To lead someone to ease.

Complete the sentence with the correct prepositions! I lived in Bandung 1988 2000 b. Indah was born 1993 c.

(ubah ke present perfect tense) • a. The old women has brought many apples. The old women have brought many apples. The thief has stolen much money in the bank.

The colour of banana is. The colour of indonesian flag is. The picture above is. Warna gigi itu putih the english sentences is the colour of.

It cannot be dried c. It is impossible to keep it in storage for a long time d.

Elephant in indonesian language is. One – two – tree – four. - six – seven a.

At 12.30, Junko and I went to the cafeteria to buy ________ some lunch. Jody and her husband own their own company, so they can give ________ a holiday any time they like. John hurt ________ while he was fixing his car. When I saw ________ in the mirror, I was horrified — there was red paint on my nose! Deemikian Contoh Soal Essay Grammar Bahasa Inggris yyag sudah disampaikan IBI kali ini semoga dapat bermanfaat dan dapat dijadikan bahan belajar bahasa inggris.

To prevent the energy d. To be in a good mood * 15.

We have to imitate others C. We are not allowed to force others to do something D.

T – e – n – o – w – t – y – e – n The correct word is. Twenty two b. Thirty one c. Twenty one d.

Soal Bahasa Inggris Online

Where were you born? Where do you live? Where do you go to school? What is you hobby?

Is – this – fingers - my The correct order is. Is this my fingers b. This is fingers my c. This is my fingers d.

Good afternoon c. Nice to meet you d. See you later V. Read the words and find their synonyms!

The corret word is. The number before twenty is. Tiga puluh lima in English is. Ahmad is Dinda’s father.

Can contain b. It contains c. Containing Ans: a 4.

The botanical definition of a berry which C. The botanical definition of a berry D. That the botanical definition of a berry 12. His father is an experienced investor who is accostumed to with residential properties. Be dealing D. The chief accountant the monthly report for seven hours when the director arrived. Has been scrutinize B.

Soal UN Bahasa Inggris Narrative Text. After posting “Soal UN about Descriptive Text, now it is the time for sharing another kind of questions related to kinds of text.

Sinta adalah kakak perempuanku d. Sinta adalah adik perempuanku 25. Bu Ayu adalah bibiku The english sentence is. Ayu is my uncle b. Ayu is my aunt c. Ayu is my grandmother d. Ayu is my nephew.

Tell your own self how to behave!” The fourth mumbled, “Praise be to Allah! I wasn’t a party to their arguments.” Thus all the four broke their Sholah and wasted it. The fault-finders went more astray than the one who made the original mistake. Correct yourself before correcting others. What did the four men do when they entered the mosque? They slept in the mosque.

To try to be beautiful 8. To end in smoke a. To ruin oneself * b.

Not all people can afford in a big city like New York. For living 24. When entering a Japanesehome restaurant, it is to remove shoes. The family were satisfied with the holiday. Beside the hotel B.

To set one’s face against a. To judge by the appearance b. To be in the same way c. To be in different movement d. To oppose with determination * 18.

Nine hundred thousand 9) 7.444.129 =. Seven million forty four thousand a hundred and twenty nine • B. Seven million forty hundred forty four thousand a hundred and twenty nine • C. Seven million four hundred forty four thousand a hundred and twenty nine 10) 38.399.753 =. Thirty eight million thirty hundred ninety nine thousand seven hundred and fifty three • B. Thirty eight million three hundred ninety nine thousand seven hundred and fifty three • C. Thirty eight million three hundred ninety nine thousand seventy five hundred and three 11) 410.110.300 =.

Overall chemical analyses indicate that the total supply of nutrients in soils is usually high in comparison with the requirements of crop plants. Much of this potential supply, however, is bound tightly in forms that are not released to crops fast enough to give satisfactory growth. Because of this, the farmer is interested in measuring the available nutrient supply as contrasted to the total quantities. • Which of the following elements is not taken up from the soil? Sulfur • Why do farmers prefer considering the only available nutrients to the total quantities of nutrient found in the soil? They do to know how to obtain all the nutrients B. Chemical analyses indicate that the soil constrains all the nutrients needed C.

King cleveland 606 trombone serial numbers. TromboneSerial Numbers & Models Because of Mr. White's personal involvement and knowledge of acoustical principles and mechanical experience, he was able to perfect the trombone. From 1894 to 1908 each trombone slide was actually made by Mr. 'Conn & King Musical Instrument Serial Number Info' This list is not correct for Conn saxophones (see Conn Woodwind Serial Numbers) or Conn bugles (see Pan American Brass Serial Numbers). See Conn Reed Instrument List at Bottom of Page, or Click Return To Link Page, with additional Page on This Web Site. Find great deals on eBay for King Cleveland Trombone in Brass. KING Cleveland 606 Bb Trombone *SERVICED* with Hard. Assuming it is a C as the serial number is. Conn Trombone Model List. King Trombone Model List. Cleveland: 605F: F: Diplomat: 606 (still in production) 600: 606R.500: 8: 600. About the Model 606 Since 1894 the King name has been synonymous with world-class high quality brass instruments. World renown artists, the likes of Tommy Dorsey, Ziggy Elman, Julian 'Cannonball' Adderley, Charlie 'The Bird' Parker, and Harry James, all trusted King as their choice of musical instrument.

Advertisement 13) Two hundred two billion four hundred thirteen million eight hundred seventy nine thousand two hundred and twelve =. 202.430.879.220 • B. 202.413.879.212 • C. 202.433.987.202 14) 12th =.

A thousand two hundred and twenty seven • B. One thousand and two hundred twenty seven 7) 207.386 =. Two hundred seven thousand three hundred and eighty six • B. Two zero seven thousand three hundred and eight six • C. Two thousand seven thousand three hundred and eight six • D. Two zero seven hundred thousand three hundred and eight six 8) 900.000 =.

Pemerintah juga senantiasa mengevaluasi setiap pelaksanaan Ujian Nasional kemudian dilakukan perbaikan untuk tahun berikutnya. Kalau pada pada beberapa tahun lalu, UN dilaksanakan dengan berberapa paket soal. Namun Mulai tahun 2016 pemerintah mulai Menerapkan.

Then the man got to so angry that the shouted over and over, “Say Catano, or I’ll kill you!” but the bird wouldn’t talk. One day after trying for many hours to make the bird say Catano, the man got very angry. He picked up the bird and threw him into the chicken house. “You are more stupid than the chickens. Soon I will eat them, and I will eat you, too.” In the chicken house there are four old chickens.

To overcome someone’s obstacle c. To desert someone in his difficulties * d. To lead someone to ease. A black sheep a. A person who is shameful * b.

Sugar • How much coconut water and coconut shavings do you need? ¼ glass • How many servings can you get form the recipe?

Bayu is swimming c. Bayu is singing d.

They use the d. It is the Ans: b 15. Among bees —-a highly elaborate form of communication a. They occurs Ans: b 16. —–heated by solar energy have special collectors on the roofs to trap sunlight a.

Grandparents - are – they - dina’s c. Daugther - are - bayu and desi – mrs. Ana’s Jawab..........................

To fight something alone b. To be in a high place c. To have a good height * d.

I’m not at all satisfied with this hotel service. I’ll be back again anytime. It is very satisfied service in this hotel. Siti: What is your aim in learning English?

Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Online

Please tell _____ ( he, him) _____ (I, me) have obtained a degree in Chemistry. I remember that _____ (they, them) bought the fruits from _____ (we, us). Please don’t tell ______ (she, her) about _____ (I, me). _____ can swim because _____ has webbed feet.

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To be discussed d. To raise the objections 2. To pick holes a. To find a reason b. To get something up c. To cut something d. To criticise someone * 3.

The number before nine is. The number after ten is.

The mixture of colour e. The process of a rainbow 13. The function of the text is the process of rainbow is formed a. To explain d. To persuade e. To describe 14. The part of the text is called (paragraph 1)?

Bayu is studying 12. Apakah ini seekor kuda? The English sentence is. Is this a dog?

• What should be done first before installing the CD-ROM? Remove the computer cover b. Unplug all other devices first c.

Table of Contents • • • • 35 Contoh Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Pilihan Ganda dan Essay Kelas XII PART 1 Choose the correct answers! Text 1 Once upon a time, there was a man who liked hunting very much. He often went to the forest to hunt any animal he met. One day he went hunting into the forest. He intended to shoot any animal he saw.

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